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Call For Papers. VI International Delphos Symposium

VI International Delphos Symposium 2024

Directors' Symposium:
Dr. Jorge Luis Gutiérrez, Universidade Mackenzie, São Paulo, Brasil.
Dr. David Torrijos Castrillejo, Universidad San Dámaso de Madrid, España.

Organising Committee:
Jorge Luis Gutiérrez, Universidade Mackenzie, São Paulo, Brasil.
David Torrijos Castrillejo, Universidad San Dámaso de Madrid. España.
Lamartine Gaspar de Oliveira. Universidade Mackenzie, São Paulo, Brasil.
José Antonio García-Lorente, Universidad de Murcia, España.
Rosario Neuman Lorenzini, Universidad San Dámaso de Madrid, España.
María Alicia Rodrigo Fernández, Universidad San Dámaso, Madrid, España.
Ângela Zamora Cilento, Universidade Mackenzie, São Paulo, Brasil.
Marcelo Martins Bueno, Universidade Mackenzie, São Paulo, Brasil.
André da Paz. Universidade de Brasília, Brasil.
Nelson Célio de Mesquita Rocha, Universidade Mackenzie, São Paulo, Brasil.

The DELPHOS research group, in partnership with the Philosophy programme at Mackenzie University, invites researchers, students and teachers to take part in the 6th International Delphos Symposium. The general theme of Delphos’ Symposia is philosophy and religion in Ancient Greece and this year’s specific topic is fate (Εἵμαρμένη). The event will be held virtually on 3, 4 and 5 September 2024. The programme will be announced shortly.

This year the VI DELPHOS International Symposium will be held in conjunction with the XXI Mackenzie Philosophy Week (XXI Semana de Filosofia Mackenzie): 3, 4 and 5 September the Delphos Symposium will be celebrated while 6 September the presentations of the XXI Mackenzie Philosophy Week will take place. We invite the academic community to participate in both events.
  • Schedule VI Symposium 2024

  • On the proposed theme: Εἵμαρμένη / "Fate"

    The heimarmene (Εἵμαρμένη) of the Greeks, translated into Latin as fatum and into English as fate (although it might be more colloquial to call it destiny) represents one of the doctrinal elements in which religion meets philosophy.

    The study of the interweaving of the supposed causality of fate with that of other causes is a challenge for philosophical reason. Furthermore, this theme is related to a multitude of situations that frequently appear in Greek literature (and are inspired by it): the fate of individuals, divination, the human incapacity to resist misfortune, the relationship between men and the divine.

    Rules for registering to present papers

    Anyone wishing to present a paper must submit an abstract with the length and characteristics indicated below by 12 August 2024.

    1) Title of the paper.
    2) Author's name (must be the same as the presenter of the paper).
    3) Student or teacher.
    4) Academic degree (BA, BSc, MSc or PhD).
    5) Current institutional affiliation.
    6) Abstract of no more than 600 words.

  • Papers will be accepted if their main theme is the relationship between philosophy and religion in the ancient Greek world, focussing on the theme of "fate" (Εἵμαρμένη).


  • The event will be entirely virtual.
  • Please fill all the required fields. Only registrations with complete information will be considered.
  • Deadline for submitting abstracts: 12 August 2024.
  • Publication of the list of approved papers and presentation times: 20 August 2024.
  • The presentation time will be 15 minutes followed by 5 minutes of discussion.
  • Each applicant may submit only one paper proposal.
  • Only the author of the paper will be allowed to make the presentation, and presentation by another person is prohibited.
  • Mackenzie University will issue a certificate attesting to the presentation of the paper.

  • Poster VI International Delphos Symposium in PDF

  • Poster VI International Delphos Symposiums